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Walk to Defeat ALS 2018

Becca Cutter, Executive Director

Walk to Defeat ALS - 2018

Walk 4 ALS Balloons

Saturday morning was rainy and cold, but that did not stop us from having a great time at the Walk to Defeat ALS 2018 at Lipscomb University. Check-in and registration started at 9:00 AM. The ceremony began at 10:00 AM. There was an AMAZING singer performing live music for us all as we walked around and visited with other walk participants. They had coffee, Krispy Kreme doughnuts, and even Chick-fil-a breakfast sandwiches... I mean, come on. They get an A+ just for that.

Becca Cutter and Stephanie Bullock

My sister, featured in the picture above, who just happens to be an amazingly talented photographer, Stephanie, volunteered her services and took pictures of the event. So, I got to hang out with her, which is always a good time. She has the best heart and it was so nice to share this event with her. So, a huge shout out to Stephanie B Photography for supplying the quality pictures you see in this blog.

In all seriousness, we had the pleasure of hearing several speakers including: the President of the ALS Association-Tennessee Chapter, the Tidwell family sharing their story, a sponsor, and Danielle who coordinated the event.

Memory Tent

The memory tent that they had set up shed light on the importance of the event. We were there to support those currently living with ALS and their families, but also for the people who have lost their lives or someone they loved to the disease. This tent allowed you to read a plaque with someone who has since passed from this disease that included a picture, along with a small story of their life and/or how they affected those that loved them.

I encourage you to find out more about Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), or more commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig's disease. We have served and continue to serve those living with ALS, so we have seen the obstacles that come with it.

So, let us all choose to be a light in these people's lives, show our support, and donate to allow more research to find a cure or treatment.

I hope so badly that I get to see the day where they find a cure for this disease. Until then, I will continue to show up to let all those affected by ALS that they are not alone in the fight.

Join us next year! Or give us a call to see what you can do to help in the meantime.

Here are a few more pictures from the event... Enjoy!

Becca and T-Rac

Walk 4 ALS Balloons

Becca and her umbrella

HoneyHill HomeCare sweatshirt


Wearing my key to Unlock ALS

Thank you,

Becca Cutter

Executive Director of HoneyHill HomeCare

(615) 796-1775

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